Aceh: The Role of Democracy for Peace and Reconstruction


Aceh: Peran Demokrasi Bagi Perdamaian dan Rekonstruksi 

Topic: Power, Welfare, and Democracy

Year: 2011

Writers: Olle Tornquist, Stanley Adi Prasetyo, Teresa Birks

Editors: Longgina Novadona Bayo


When the Tsunami at the end of December 2004 exacerbated the civil war in Sri Lanka, Aceh actually experienced an extraordinary transition from a situation of conflict and disaster towards peace. The province on the tip of Sumatra Island, which has been trying to separate itself from Indonesia for decades, is now starting a new era in development. The interesting thing, as explained in this book, is that this miracle was made possible by the process of democratization. For the first time, the combination of international intervention and agreement at the local level finally paid off. Why did it happen? How can this process take place? In this book, senior scientists and experienced researchers attempt to provide answers to these questions.