Politik Uang di Indonesia: Patronase dan Klientelisme Pada Pemilu Legislatif 2014 


Politik Uang di Indonesia: Patronase dan Klientelisme Pada Pemilu Legislatif 2014

Topic: Election Governance

Year: 2015


Editors: Edward Aspinall, Mada Sukmajati


Most electoral studies in Indonesia only describe patterns and trends in the performance of political parties at the national level. However, this book reviews different studies with a focus on electoral phenomena at the grassroots. Almost all legislative candidates campaign with patronage and clientelism strategies.


Most studies in Indonesia only describe patterns and trends in the performance of political parties at the national level. This study is different because it focuses on electoral phenomena at the grassroots level. This book explains that patronage and clientelism are the campaign strategies chosen by almost all legislative candidates. Patronage is manifested in the form of vote buying, giving goods to certain groups (club good), providing a variety of social services, and using public funds for electoral purposes (pork barrel politics). In addition, candidates rely on informal networks of intermediaries (brokers) – usually referred to as ‘success teams’ – to reach voters. In general, this book explores the pattern of election campaigns, the form of the relationship between candidates and voters, how this form of relationship is facilitated by patronage and formed by clientelism, and how candidates use certain mechanisms, networks and techniques to get as many votes as possible from voters.