Konfrontasi Bersenjata Merebut Irian Barat

Konfrontasi Bersenjata Merebut Irian Barat

Topic: Power, Welfare, and Democracy

Year: 2011

Writer: Ferry Valdano Akbar

Editor: Rachmad Gustomy


Through this book, the author wants to open the eyes of readers that building a large and formidable military force is absolutely necessary for a country. Like the message conveyed by a classic saying “SI VI PACEM PARABELLUM” which means “Whoever wants peace, it is obligatory for him to prepare for war”. Long Live the Glory of Indonesia Forever.


Through this book, the author only wants to show that what was shown by Suharto, the ruler of the new order, and what was shown by one of the founding fathers of this nation, namely President Soekarno, was a different matter. If Suharto built military power to maintain his own power then President Soekarno built military power to maintain the integrity, honor and sovereignty of a nation-state. This example is shown in the liberation of the West Papua region from the Dutch re-colonization attempt