Sejarah Politik Kewargaan di Indonesia: Politik Pengakuan, Politik Redistribusi Kesejahteraan dan Politik Representasi

Sejarah Politik Kewargaan di Indonesia: Politik Pengakuan, Politik Redistribusi Kesejahteraan dan Politik RepresentasiSejarah Politik Kewargaan di Indonesia: Politik Pengakuan, Politik Redistribusi Kesejahteraan dan Politik Representasi

Topic: Extractive Industry Governance

Year: 2016

Writers: Eric Hiariej, Rizky Alif Alvian, Muhammad Irfan Ardhani, Agustinus Moruk Taek



The series monograph “The History of Citizenship Politics in Indonesia: The Politics of Recognition, the Politics of Welfare Redistribution and the Politics of Representation” is here to provide an overview of the journey of citizenship politics in Indonesia since the early 20th century. This discussion is in accordance with the purpose of citizenship studies, namely to reveal how the conception of citizenship is produced and practiced from time to time. This 69-page article describes the development of the concept of citizenship, dominant perspectives on citizenship, and citizenship politics. The tug-of-war of the concept of citizenship in Indonesia cannot be separated from the process of institutionalization and regulation versus resistance and demands from below. The concept of citizenship is also a representation of common interests without setting aside class differences.