Menembus Ortodoksi Kajian Kebijakan Publik

Menembus Ortodoksi Kajian Kebijakan Publik

Topic: Power, Welfare, and Democracy

Year: 2004

Writer: Hasrul Hanif, Purwo Santoso, Rachmad Gustomy


If the study of public policy refers to the construction of thought that is typically used continuously, then it will become an orthodoxy. This is clearly reflected in the study of public policy in this country. In such a long period of time, policy studies have generally used the constructions of state officials’ thinking. Then, how is the “figure” of public policy if it is reconstructed from the minds of the “victims” of the policy? What kind of public policy dynamics can be uncovered if policy reviewers do not use the lens of the state or the rulers? A series of arguments in various writings in this book seek to answer this thorny question by putting forward two bets. On the one hand, there is a desire to strengthen orthodoxy tendencies in public policy studies. On the other hand, “analytical mischiefs” appeared to break through orthodoxy. This book attempts to map the different degrees of delinquency analysis.