Berebut Kontrol Atas Kesejahteraan: Politisasi Kasus-Kasus Politisasi Demokrasi di Tingkat Lokal

Berebut Kontrol Atas Kesejahteraan: Politisasi Kasus-Kasus Politisasi Demokrasi di Tingkat Lokal

Topic: Power, Welfare, and Democracy

Year: 2015


Editors: Caroline Paskarina, Mariatul Asiah, Otto Gusti Madung


This book is a collection of narratives about the struggles of pro-democracy actors to politicize democracy with various strategies to direct democratization towards prosperity. Fifteen cases from various regions show that a prosperous democracy is not possible without public control over the management of welfare.


Democracy and prosperity should be a necessity that doesn’t need to be debated anymore. However, there is a long and winding road to be taken to connect the two. Welfare management is a political process that is determined by the construction of power relations. Therefore, democratization should also be sensitive to the structure and practice of power which has so far determined the distribution of welfare. When the elite uses populism, patronage, and primordialism as a strategy to determine who has the right to access resources, what is primarily demanded from the public is the capacity of representation and control to balance power relations. This book invites readers to look at democracy and democratization from the opposite direction, by looking at contextual practices that are necessary and can be carried out from various directions to make welfare a political issue. What we want to mobilize is not only to embrace various pro-democracy segments, but also various experiences and skills to accelerate movement in that direction. This book is a collection of narratives about the struggles of pro-democracy actors to politicize democracy with various strategies to direct democratization towards prosperity. The fifteen cases from various regions show that a prosperous democracy is not possible without public control over the management of welfare.