Yogyakarta – On Tuesday 6 December 2022, the Patalan Village Administration through the Patalan Village Administration Committee, Kapanewon Jetis, Bantul Regency in collaboration with the Department of Politics and Government (DPP), Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIPOL), Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) carried out selection test for filling the position of Assistant Secretary of Patalan Village. The selection examination process was fully carried out at FISIPOL UGM and involved 29 participants, consisting of 14 women and 15 men. Most participants were young and had various educational backgrounds from high school to bachelor’s degree. The importance of Assistant Secretary position in the village government is one of the reasons for the high public interest in this selection process.
The involvement of the DPP, FISIPOL, UGM in the Assistant Secretary selection exam is a follow-up to Article 13 of the Decree of the Committee for Filling Village Official, Patalan Village, Bantul Regency Number: I of 2022 concerning Procedures for Filling Vacancies for Pamong Kalurahan Position Kaur Danarta Kalurahan Patalan Kapanewon Jetis Bantul Regency Year 2022. Based on this article, the Village Government is required to cooperate with a third party in carrying out the Assistant Secretary selection test. The involvement of third parties is expected to produce more qualified candidates based on a more objective and transparent selection process.
In carrying out the selection exam, the DPP FISIPOL UGM was involved from the preparation of the exam questions to the implementation, assessment, and submission of the selection results. This activity was led by Prof. Dr. Haryanto as the head of the selection team at UGM. Referring to the same regulations above, specifically in Chapter VI article 12, the implementation of the selection exam is carried out in several stages, namely a written exam, psychological test, practical exam, and interview. Each stage of the exam has a different percentage of the final selection score, namely 40% written exam, 15% psychological test, 30% practical exam, and 15% interview.
This selection stage has its own uniqueness and challenges. For example, in a written exam, participants must take the exam using a computer. This test mechanism was chosen with the aim that the selected Assistant Secretary will be capable individuals with the dynamics of village governance which are increasingly relying on a digital approach. To maintain the quality of the selection, the DPP also does not carry out all the exams by themselves. DPP involved an independent institution named Jacaranda which has competence in conducting psychological tests and interviews.
The implementation of the selection test for the Assistant Secretary Village of Patalan which was carried out by the DPP FISIPOL UGM received appreciation from many parties. Several participants considered that the selection this time was very good because the substance of the exam was very relevant to the positions offered. Apart from that, the Patalan Village Administration Committee also appreciated the DPP FISIPOL UGM committee for maintaining their credibility in carrying out the apparatus selection.
In his speech, the Chair of the Selection Committee from the DPP FISIPOL UGM Prof. Haryanto emphasized that the recruitment process for the Pamong Desa of Patalan Village showed the participants awareness that capacity and integrity as village officials were conditions that had to be met if they wanted to be elected. Prof. Haryanto also added that,
” With this awareness, the participants compete fairly to convince the committee to be selected. Alhamdulillah, the competition was fair. Thank you to the participants for participating in the Assistant Secretary Patalan Village selection, and to the committee friends. Do not forget to thank the Government of Patalan Village, Kapanewon Jetis, Bantul Regency for entrusting us, the Ministry of Politics and Government FISIPOL UGM, in holding this selection”.