Revitalisasi Peran Ninik Mamak Dalam Pemerintahan Nagari

Revitalisasi Peran Ninik Mamak Dalam Pemerintahan Nagari

Topic: Extractive Industry Governance

Year: 2007

Writer: Betty Sumarty

Editor: Nur Azizah


A nagari will progress if all elements in this country can unite, especially the Ninik Mamak as the leader for the children of nephews in a nagari. If you only rely on the nagari guardian and the nagari apparatus solely in driving development in the nagara, of course this is a difficult job. In reality, during the village administration, the relationship between the Ninik Mamak and the village head was contradictory: each of them felt in power and did not cooperate with each other, because basically the village government system did not recognize the distribution of power, all power accumulated in the hands of the village head.