Politics of Decentralisation​

The politics of decentralization have long been the focus of PolGov’s studies. Since the decentralization policy was introduced in 1999/2000, PolGov – through its predecessors the PLOD / Political Science and JIP / JPP laboratories – has been overseeing the decentralization process both at the central government level and at the local government level.

At the central government level, PolGov’s form of escort included being a direct consultant to the Ministry of Home Affairs at the start of the post-New Order decentralization policy. Then, PolGov collaborated with a number of partners in the epistemic community to criticize, initiate, and propose improvements to the decentralization policy format that is more suitable for Indonesia. Meanwhile, at the local government level, PolGov advocates for various political and government issues that arise in the regions through research activities, policy advocacy and training. In carrying out its activities, PolGov always puts forward an understanding of the regional context and how this should be negotiated with broader interests.

Until the end of 2015, most of PolGov’s research and advocacy focused on the study of the politics of decentralization. Several themes that have been worked on include the study of the expansion of new autonomous regions, asymmetrical decentralization, the status of regional privileges, strengthening of local government institutions and apparatus, formulating and proposing directions for regional government development, policy direction for national government decentralization, and so on.

Destination :

  1. Explore the dynamics of politics and regional governance during the implementation of decentralization / regional autonomy in order to see variations in problems in the regions.
  2. Propose various solutions to the local government concerned and the national government to overcome the problem of decentralization.

Studies in the topic of the Politics of Decentralization cover a number of themes:

  1. Studies on the direction of regional development
  2. Strengthening of regional institutions and apparatus, among others by optimizing the authority of regional government units and consolidating the bureaucracy for development.
  3. Monitoring and evaluation
  4. Studies on the direction of decentralization policies

You can download a number of research results on this topic on the Political Research of Decentralization page.

Our Research

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Grand Desain Program Kalesang Desa di Kabupaten Buru
"Research Center for Politics and Government (PolGov) "
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Decentralized Governance Sebagai Wujud Nyata dari Sistem Kekuasaan, Kesejahteraan dan Demokrasi
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