Klanisasi Demokrasi: Politik Klan Qahhar Mudzakar di Sulawesi Selatan 

Klanisasi Demokrasi: Politik Klan Qahhar Mudzakar di Sulawesi Selatan

Topic: Extractive Industry Governance

Year: 2014

Writer: Haryanto



In many ways, democracy has to adapt to the particular social practices in which it exists. This book is a recent study that focuses more on society to see how clans can be present in local politics in Indonesia and their influence on democracy.


“Democratic Clanization” is perhaps a new and foreign term for political connoisseurs in Indonesia. A contemporary political reality that makes us aware that Indonesian democracy is “an engaging blend of modernity and traditionalism.” The conclusion put forward increasingly invites us to understand that democracy is something that is “soft.” In many ways, democracy has to adapt to the particular social practices in which it exists. This book is a recent study that focuses more on society to see how clans can be present in local politics in Indonesia and their influence on democracy. This book describes how the norms and values embodied in structures and cultures are seen as systems of rules and constraints, within which political actors seek to maximize their usefulness. The aim is to discuss how the pattern of power relations in clan politics is related to the resources they use and the implications for the future of Indonesian democracy. By outlining the presence of clan politics, especially at the local level, it is hoped that this book will be able to provide an update on the understanding of local political phenomena in the democracy that has developed post-reform in Indonesia, which has been known as bossism, local strongman, and political dynasty.