Dissemination of Alumni Awards Grants

Since 2023, the Undergraduate Program in Politics and Government has collaborated with alumni to organize the Department of Politics and Government Alumni Grant activities. This program includes Thesis Preparation Grants as well as Big Data Analytics Research Grants.

The following are the students who received funding for the Thesis Grant:

  1. Endah Ayuning Rostiati with the thesis title “Risk Management of Procurement and Distribution of Logistics for the 2024 Simultaneous Elections Based on COSO Enterprise Risk Management-Integrated Framework”;
  2. Hanif Jati Pambudi with the thesis title “Between Party and Candidate, Which is More Important in the 2024 Presidential Election? Case Study: The Influence of Party ID and Candidate Image on the Voting Behavior of Youth in Semarang City Ahead of the 2024 Presidential Election”;
  3. Nicolas Kriswinara Astanujati with the thesis title “Measuring Populism in Indonesia: Case Study of the 2024 Presidential Campaign on Twitter”.

Meanwhile, the Big Data Analytics Research Grant was participated in by several teams as follows:

  1. “The Influence of Media Dominance as a Communicator and Socializer of Public Issues: Case Study of Sexual Harassment of Female Students at Jombang Islamic Boarding School” (Jasmine Hasna Nafila Rahman, Rahma Kintara Saniya Dafin, Mohammad Itqon Alexander);
  2. “The Role of Social Media in Reducing Anti-Party Sentiment in Indonesia: Case Study of the Political Communication Style of Admin X Partai Gerindra” (Arya Kamajaya Sasongko, Gede Agung Krisna Ambara, Irvan Fadhil, Muhammad Firman Al-Khawarismi, Najzwa Hanifah Azkarrula);
  3. “Modern Slavery: Analysis of the Impact of Government Regulations on the Non-fulfillment of Labor Rights in Indonesia” (Angela Kirana Hartanto, Aulia Khoiriya, Bijak Anugrah, Salsabila Khoirunnisa).

At the end of the grant activities, we held a dissemination of the results which can be accessed through the DPP UGM YouTube channel.