Dilema Kesetaraan Gender 

Dilema Kesetaraan Gender

Topic: Power, Prosperity, and Democracy

Year: 2012

Writer: Sri Djoharwinarlien



There are a number of contradictions that are factually faced by Indonesian women, regardless of the state and society’s claims of support for the role and contribution of women to public life. The contradictions include inconsistencies in the enforcement of formal rules which place women as subjects of equal citizenship with their partners. The persistence of the view of the majority of the Indonesian public that sees the association between women and work in the domestic area as part of “natural law” is accompanied by a view that sees work in the domestic area as subordinate to work in the public area. In this situation, on the one hand the idea of women’s emancipation has been relatively accepted as a norm in modern Indonesian society. However, on the other hand there are a number of old social ideas and practices that still strongly structure the thinking and behavior of Indonesian people, not only men but also women themselves.