Education, Conflict Histories
and Social Cohesion-Building in Indonesia
Kekuasaan, Kesejahteraan, dan Demokrasi
Alifian Ramadhany, Azka Abdi Amrurobbi, Dian Nuri Ningtyas, Dody Wibowo, Jusuf Nikolas Anamofa, Katarzyna Głąb, Mada Sukmajati, M. Najib Azca, Moh Zaki Arrobi, Nancy Novitra Souisa, Nur Fatah Abidin, Siti Nur Hidayah, Steve Gerardo Christoffel Gaspersz, Yogi Setya Permana
Mada Sukmajati
This book has at least three aims. The first aim is exploring the dynamics in the implementation of peace education in various regions in Indonesia in the democratization era. The second aim is explaining how far the inheritance of conflict memory has been incorporated into the learning process in the education system in Indonesia, be it in regions with the background of vertical conflict (between the state and the communities), in regions with the background of horizontal conflict (among community groups), or in regions that seem to be capable of maintaining peace, although they actually have quite high (horizontal) conflict potentials. The third aim is expanding interests in the study of the roles and contributions of education in and to conflict management and democratic deepening in Indonesia, especially the ones with interdisciplinary approaches.