On Monday, November 21, 2022, PolGov UGM assisted in the selection for the Gegunung hamlet head exam which was organized by the Village Apparatus Selection Selection and Screening Team, Sendangsari Village, Kulonprogo Regency. This collaboration was carried out referring to Kulon Progo Regent Regulation Number 6 of 2021 which requires the Village Apparatus Selection Screening and Screening Team to involve a third party in preparing exam materials, assessing, and correcting exam results. The activity was opened by Sendangsari Village Head, Suhardi.
The exam process was followed by eight candidates, among others Anggayu Muchti (26), Agus Saputra (36), Wagiran (36), Risa Kurnia Sari (27), Yulianto (34), Siti Maryam (41), and Kukuh Priyono (33). In this process, the candidates pass 3 stages of the exam, namely the basic ability test: written verbal ability test and oral verbal ability test. Previously the participants had also passed an assessment of their experience working in government agencies and community service, and educational level assessment.
Unlike in previous years, in the stages of the basic proficiency test and the written verbal ability test, the candidates this time used digital devices to answer exam questions. This is a new breakthrough initiated by the PolGov UGM examiner team to make it easier for participants to answer exam questions, make exam time more effective and support a more transparent selection process. The use of digital devices also aims to respond to developments in an increasingly modern era.
The exam process went smoothly and the exam results were submitted by PolGov UGM represented by Dr. Ratnawati, SU as the head of the selection team. The selection test produced three candidates with the highest scores, respectively Rafik Anggayu Muchti (65), Wagiran (60.36) and Risa Kurnia Sari (59.54).