Politik Air di Indonesia: Penjarahan Si Gedhang oleh Korporasi Aqua-Danone

Politik Air di Indonesia: Penjarahan Si Gedhang oleh Korporasi Aqua-Danone

Topic: Power, Welfare, and Democracy

Year: 2007

Writer: Erwin Endaryanta


This book tells the story of the workings of global penetration to the local level with the facilitation of state actors. Here it is shown that the expansion of the global water business has penetrated into the socio-economic order of society through a pattern of unequal relations between the state and the private sector.


By taking the case of the granting of permits for the management of the Si Gedhang spring in Klaten to PT Tirta Investama Danone (Aqua-Danone), Erwin concludes that there has been a shift in reasoning from public goods to private goods and there is Kuala Capital’s domination of public policy.