The Continuation of Simultaneous Elections in the Midst of a Pandemic

The implementation of the elections in 2020 faces new challenges compared to the implementation of the elections in previous years, namely the COVID-19 pandemic. This pandemic has hit all countries which has resulted in the postponement of the implementation of general elections in several countries, but there are also countries that choose to hold them. Similar to other countries in the world, the dilemma of holding general elections is also experienced by Indonesia. This research, which was conducted by the Big Data Analytics Laboratory, looked at the controversy over the implementation of local elections based on actors, institutions, and key issues. The problem formulations that form the basis of this research are: 1. How about the postponement of the 2020 Simultaneous Pilkada from the point of view of actors and key issues? 2. How do netizens respond to the discourse on postponing the 2020 Simultaneous Regional Head Elections? Research conducted by the Lab. Big Data Analytics is based on the use of two data sets, namely online media coverage related to the topic of postponing the local election which was taken from March 1 – September 30, 2020 with the keywords “delay the election”, “delayed the election”, “delayed the election”, “delayed the election”, “postponing elections”, “postponing elections”, and data sets of conversations on social media Twitter with the topic of postponing elections taken from the same timeframe and keywords.


Big Data Analysis


Final report




Mada Sukmajati, Wegik Prasetyo, Yonathan, Warih A. Pamungkas, Vendi Ardianto


Research Center for Politics and Government (PolGov)

SDA Governance