Visiting Fellowship Program

Research Center for Politics and Government (PolGov) Universitas Gadjah Mada 2022

Research Center for Politics and Government (PolGov) UGM is opening an opportunity to join in our visiting fellowship program. The program offers opportunity for Ph.D Students, Researchers and Lecturers from various institution in Indonesia or abroad.

Visiting Fellow Responsibility

  1. Conducting presentations and discussions with researchers at PolGov related to their research topic. This activity will encourage the exchange of ideas and thoughts between visiting fellows and PolGov researchers.
  2. Conducting joint publications with PolGov researchers by mentioning PolGov in the publication of the results of the research that have been conducted.
  3. If needed, visiting fellow can be a Guest Lecturer in Faculty of Social and Politics UGM.
  4. Involved in the activity inside of PolGov
  5. Sending activity proposals that are equipped with an activity schedule plans.

Mechanism and Procedure of the Program Foreign

  1. If you are interested for the visiting fellowship program at PolGov, please send fellowship application and proposal addressed to the Head of PolGov, by email:
  2. Review process by the Board of PolGov.
  3. Acceptance information.
  4. Counterparts Information (Lecturers who will become the research partners).
For further inquiries, please read below:

Foreign Research Permit Procedure:

For fellows who are declared accepted, then it is necessary to take care of research permits through Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional (BRIN).

  1. Visiting fellow required to sign a fellowship agreement. This process will be assisted by the PolGov Manager and the legal team from the Global Engagement Office (GEO) Faculty of Social and Politics UGM.
  2. After the agreement process on both end (Faculty of Social and Politics UGM and research partner institutions), Manager PolGov will prepare a Letter of Guarantee as a condition of research permit.
  3. Visiting Fellow have to submit an ethical clearance through the website: and pay the submission fee according to the guidelines on the website.
  4. If you have received an ethical clearance Decree, the PolGov Manager will arrange a Letter of Research Permit (SIP) to BRIN.
  5. After the SIP is issued, the PolGov Manager will cooperate with the UGM Office for International Affairs (OIA) to apply for a researcher visa. Foreign researchers are required to provide data in the form of: scanned passport documents, recent photo, vaccine certificates, health insurance and a statement that they will comply with applicable health procedures in Indonesia, along with paying fees for the visas.
  6. Foreign researcher visas are issued and sent to foreign researchers.
  7. Foreign researchers who arrive in Indonesia apply for a Limited Stay Permit (ITAS) to the Immigration office, as well as submit a Travelling Permit (SKJ) and Notification of Research (SPP) to the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Indonesian National Police.
  8. After arriving in Yogyakarta, foreign researchers are requested to report to OIA UGM with a passport, 2 pieces of 3×4 photos, 2 pieces of stamp duty and a research permit that has been signed on the stamp duty.
  9. Foreign researchers can start conducting research and activities in Indonesia.

Benefit on being a Visiting Fellow

  • Discussion with PolGov researchers
  • Joint publication with PolGov researchers
  • Guest lecturer in Faculty of Social and Politics UGM
  • Room
  • Access to UGM library
  • UGM internet access

PolGov Visiting Fellow Profile

Fellow Name
Insitution Origin
Research Title
Zheng Wang
University at Albany, State University of New York
Framing Ethnicity: How Ideology Shapes State Policies towards the Ethnic Chinese in Southeast Asia
Tomasz Burdzik
University of Opole Poland
Pancasila: The Indonesian State Ideology
Puspa Amri
Sonoma State University
Conceptualizing & Measuring Local Democracy in Indonesia
Marie Belland
University of Amsterdam
Integrating Patterns of Urban Water Governance in Southeast Asia: Everyday Practices and Knowledges of Land Subsidence in Semarang Coastal Areas, Indonesia
Joris Alberdingk Thijm
University of Lisbon
Coalitional Presidentialism in Indonesia
Georgia de Leeuw
Department of Political Science, Lund University
Land Grabbing in Kalimantan Selatan
Evan Doran
University of Sydney
The Determinants of Research Culture: The Case of Indonesian Universities
Eitan Paul
University of Michigan
Representation in Village Budgeting in Indonesia
Colum Graham
Australian National University
The Governance of Rice and Fertilizer Service Delivery Effectiveness
Chris Morris
Australian National University
Birokrasi, Pembuatan Kebijakan dan Pelayanan Publik di Indonesia